What If – Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions – by Randall Munroe

What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

Despite my recent book reviews, I don’t strictly read health related books, I read some for enjoyment as well, though usually the ones I recommend are based on facts, so I don’t write reviews often on “silly” books. But sometimes you need a break, and this was the case with me when I was burned out on reading dense books chock full of important information that directly affects your and my health.

The book “What If” showed up as available on my library account when I was looking to download another audio book for my listening pleasure during my travels. The title sounded interesting, so I figured why not? Worst case scenario, I’ll waste a little time with the first chapter and then go to the next book.

To my surprise, this was not the case at all. Instead I found myself laughing at the responses to the questions posed. Not only is the author clever in his responses, but very meticulous in acquiring the right answer. Sure, I never really asked anyone or even myself if I could fly a plane on a different planet, but the answer was fascinating regardless. Not only fascinating, but scientifically researched and exciting, because in reality, I would never get to fly a plane on another planet, and after hearing his answer, nor would I want to.

So the book may seem silly at first, but it is quite entertaining, especially if you’re one of those who likes to have random pieces of scientific knowledge about random things. I feel quite educated (although not necessarily about anything important), even though this wasn’t the typical non-fiction style reading. And I laughed quite a few times, which is always good.

It was entertaining enough to check out the authors website, and sign up for his email list. Now I am on a
mission to come up with a question that he might answer. So many topics of curiosity to choose from, most of which I would rather not do the research myself.

A fun read indeed. If you like smart, witty, and entertaining, this might be a good read for you.

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