STINK! Documentary review

STINK! The Movie The Chemical Industry Doesn't Want You To SeeWe're not big on television, but every now and then we splurge with organic homemade pizza, a glass of wine, and sit down to enjoy a movie instead of a book. Last night was one of those nights. With everything geared up and almost ready for the holidays, and a huge to do list starting soon, it was a night to relax. But relax I did not. I got mad. Continue reading

Slow Death by Rubber Duck By Rick Smith & Bruce Lourie

Book Review: Slow Death by Rubber Duck by Rick Smith & Bruce Lourie This book needs to be read by anyone who cares about themselves, their family, their friends, and/or the planet. When you go to read this book, you need to have an open mind. An open mind to different definitions than what you are accustomed to. An open mind to look at words such as "pollution" from a completely different perspective. I did not start out with an open mind, Continue reading

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

Book Review Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and RedemptionWhat an amazing book! First, I have NOT seen the movie; I don't know if I want to. Second, the book was very well written. We actually listened to it via audiobook on a long drive and we became so engrossed in it that we almost got ourselves lost on the road! Yeah, it was that good. If we were reading this book (rather than listening), we would not have been able to put it down. Continue reading
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