Personal Care Product Preservatives, And The Truth (Part I)

What Are Some Of These Ingredients? I would love to find preservatives for my products that are non-toxic, and do the job effectively. So far, that has been a challenge, and given that I myself find my skin reacts to most of the so called “natural preservatives,” I don't dare suggest for someone else to wear them. I'm involved in many lotion crafter and soap making online groups, and I generally stay away from topics of preservatives, and whether or not they are harmful. I have found that it only devolves into arguments over who is “right”. Continue reading

Putting Things into Perspective

So I have several articles/blogs ready for publishing, but have been procrastinating a bit on publishing them. Why? Well, because I know that I’m going to get attacked by believers of myths they have heard on television, read on the Internet, or were even taught by their parents. This isn’t to say that what your parents teach you, what you hear on television, or even read on the Internet is not true, but neither does it mean it is true. I had the most amazing teacher for one of my first biology courses. She is one of those teachers that I will never forget, because Continue reading

Tips and Tricks on Keeping Your New Years Resolution of Eating Healthier

(and saving money at the same time) With another year behind us, and the years do seem to go by faster and faster, many of us have made new years resolutions to eat better and exercise. It is a very common new years resolution, but unfortunately, not very well kept. I hope if you chose to resolve to eat healthier and better, that you not only keep your resolution, but also make it a lifestyle. So here are some tips and tricks to help you with that. Continue reading

You Had What For Dinner?

I don't know what it is about me, but most people I meet, automatically presume I am a vegetarian. I am not, I was once, but haven't been in almost a decade. I happily eat organic non-GMO meat. Actually, I enjoy the flavor of different meats very much, and I think some meats can be healthy. So why people see me as a vegetarian is beyond me. This is not to say that I'm a strict carnivore, quite the opposite. I eat my three ounces of meat per day, coupled with the Continue reading

What do you mean these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA?

Before I get started, I think it’s important that I address a very important topic. And that is the Food and Drug Administration known as the FDA. Okay, I’ll admit it, I’m not the biggest fan of the FDA, especially since all you hear on the media is about this medication that was approved killing this many people or causing blurred vision. I get it, big money is involved and sometimes drugs pass when they really shouldn’t. This also makes it a problem for the little guy, or gal in my case. Continue reading
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