Myths On Cosmetics Safety

As the famous saying goes, "It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so." Unfortunately when it comes to the cosmetics and body care/personal care product industries, there are a lot of myths out there that "just ain't so". Which is why we decided to repost this great article from EWG that debunks several of the most common (and dangerous) myths out there. Continue reading

New JAMA Study Shows Sunscreen Chemicals ARE Absorbed Systemically

As we warned nearly two years ago, scientific evidence shows that many of the active ingredients used in sunscreens penetrate the skin and end up circulating systemically throughout the body. A new study conducted by FDA scientists recently published in the Journal of the American Medial Association (JAMA) found that this is exactly what happened when this question was put to the test. Read on to find out why this is important to your health. Continue reading

3,999 Ingredients Hide Behind The Word “Fragrance”

While originally published way back in 2010, this information doesn't seem to be reaching all those that are interested. We decided to repost this info as it is hardly outdated. If anything, there is ever more research to show that this is true and problematic. In case you didn't know: 3,163 ingredients hide behind the word "fragrance". (Actually it is 3,999+ now.) Continue reading
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