Our Products Have Been Reviewed By Good Guide!

Good Guide is a consumer product rating company. Their scientists review ingredients and rate thousands of products - including many personal care or body care products - for safety. They recently rated our L’Crème anti-wrinkle cream, our La Rosè lotion, and our Nothing Fancy deodorant. Our products scored perfect "10s" across the board for product safety. You can see for yourself in the links below (note that the testing was done during our prior brand name): Continue reading

My Favorite Tool for Getting Rid of Spring Weeds

Several years ago, I used to have a neighbor who was very much about how his front lawn looked. While I wasn't being intentionally defiant about his wishes to keep the neighborhood looking clean and orderly, I did have a very good excuse for letting my front lawn fail to meet his standards: Rob and I were both full time college students, both working full time, and  Continue reading

Addressing a reader's feedback (some science debate)

This is in response to a critique recently posted on Facebook about one of our articles. We decided to post this as an open response. While the author had some valid insights, by focusing solely on allergic reactions, we think he missed the most important point: that many of the chemical ingredients discussed have been linked to serious pathologies, and therefore put everyone at risk, not just those with specific allergic reactions. Continue reading
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